With the site finally under development, there was a new job to take care of – that of finding a better method of managing our online collections. I reviewed the websites for a number of other small to medium sized museums. The fields varied, but when it comes down to it there is a fairly universal base structure to a museum. One or more collections, be they physical, digital or a mix, are assembled for preservation of the artifacts, and open sharing of the information involved. The websites reflect that fairly straightforward goal in that they usually want to share information about the museums themselves, as well as share their collections with visitors that can’t make it there in person.
Well the search led me to a WordPress plugin I’ll be able to use to display, sort and search through the collection with ease – FacetWP. We reached out to them and were delighted to be offered a copy for use on our site. A faceted search for any sort of collection will improve the way users interact with it online, and I can’t wait to get started integrating it into this site.
Keep checking back as we get the collections online!